طالب مشرانو سر شپږ ورځې

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طالب مشرانو سر شپږ ورځې




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Nazar Mohammad Motmain

Nazar Mohammad Motmain

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Boiling helps strengthen memory
To most people, the sense of smell (shamā) is not the most important of the five senses; But recent research in America shows that the sense of smell is not only necessary for things like flowers and food, but also for keeping these things in memory.

In this study, the details of which have been published in the journal (Frontiers in Neuroscience), it has been revealed that stimulation of the senses can help strengthen memory.

According to this study, one of the symptoms of people who suffer from Alzheimer’s (forgetfulness), Parkinson’s disease and mental disorders is that their sense of smell is low, and it has been known for a long time that Omer loses the sense of smell due to obesity, poisoning, cigarette smoking, head injury or continuous nasal congestion, and this causes memory loss.

Professor of Neurobiology at the University of California, Michael Levin, who led the research team, says: “The relationship between human memory and the ability of the senses increases with age, but in today’s modern and In the prosperous world, almost everything around us is odorless. Therefore, the loss of the sense of smell may weaken the immune system against various problems.

Mr. Leon recommends that it is good to smell something every day, it doesn’t matter if it is perfume or flowers, even if it is spice, it is good to smell it at least twice a day.

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