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Abdul Ghafor Liwal

Abdul Ghafor Liwal

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A pill that provides endoscopy
In the US, researchers have developed a type of capsule instead of an endoscope that goes down the throat like a regular pill and takes video of the stomach.

This capsule is self-digesting in the stomach and does not cause discomfort to the patient like endoscopy.

Gastrointestinal patients often need endoscopy in order to accurately diagnose their disease, but endoscopy is not easy for many, it is very painful.

Endoscopy refers to a tube that is inserted through the throat into a person’s stomach and then shows the middle of the patient’s stomach on a screen.

In order to make the endoscopy patient, in most cases, the patient is given anesthesia.

Researchers from the George Washington University in the United States have created a type of capsule to relieve patients of this problem, which takes a video of the stomach and the inside of the body and is digested after completing its work.

This capsule is controlled by a magnet.

According to a report on the Intersting Engineering website, capsules that capture video and digest it have been invented before, but they had a number of limitations. When the capsule entered the stomach, the doctors could not control its movement.

However, the newly developed capsule by researchers at George Washington University in the United States moves easily in the patient’s stomach and is controlled remotely.

The patient is given a capsule to swallow, after swallowing, the doctor records the video.

Andrew Miltz, a member of the research group of the George Washington University School of Medicine, says that the capsules controlled by magnets are very useful for early diagnosis of problems such as stomach cancer and injuries and make the work easier.

The researchers say that so far they have tested this capsule on 40 people and have checked the important parts of the vagina.

Patients who have tried this capsule have said that it was painless and much better than endoscopy.

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