ورېښمین کاڼي

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ورېښمین کاڼي




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Yes, that’s correct. The Quran is considered by Muslims to be a comprehensive guide for all aspects of life. It provides guidance and principles for various spheres including moral, social, legal, and spiritual matters. Here are some ways in which the Quran addresses different aspects of life:

  1. Moral Guidance: The Quran emphasizes moral virtues such as honesty, integrity, justice, compassion, patience, humility, and kindness. It encourages believers to uphold high ethical standards in their personal and social interactions.
  2. Social Principles: The Quran contains teachings on social justice, equality, compassion towards the poor and needy, and the importance of community and cooperation. It emphasizes the rights of individuals, including the rights of parents, children, spouses, neighbors, and the wider community.
  3. Legal Principles: The Quran contains laws and principles that guide Muslims in matters of personal conduct, family law, inheritance, commerce, and governance. While the Quran provides general principles, it also emphasizes the importance of justice, fairness, and equity in the application of laws.
  4. Family Life: The Quran provides guidance on family relations, marriage, and parenting. It stresses the importance of mutual respect, love, and compassion between spouses, as well as the rights and responsibilities of each family member.
  5. Governance: The Quran contains principles of governance and leadership, emphasizing qualities such as justice, wisdom, consultation, accountability, and responsibility. It encourages rulers to govern with fairness and compassion, and it calls on citizens to obey legitimate authority while promoting justice and accountability.
  6. Interactions with Others: The Quran provides guidance on how Muslims should interact with people of other faiths, emphasizing tolerance, respect, and peaceful coexistence. It encourages dialogue, cooperation, and mutual understanding among diverse communities.

Overall, the Quran serves as a source of guidance and inspiration for Muslims in navigating the complexities of life and adhering to the principles of faith, morality, and justice. Muslims believe that by following the guidance of the Quran, they can lead fulfilling lives and contribute positively to society.

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