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Philosophy Dr. Makhan is born in Shinwari
Famous philosophers left Plato with his student Aristotle
A little bit of philosophy:
In philosophy (the heart is from the Greek word philosophia, which is Latinized with philosophía, it means love and wisdom, or love of wisdom) that the world And the human being can know, clarify and understand all the fundamentals.
Philosophy separates itself from other academic disciplines or differs from other sciences in that it is not tied to a specific root or a specific methodology, but rather its questions and its characteristics are reduced to it by the diversity of its tools. The species is characteristic or atypical by means of the zodiac.
The main branches of philosophy are philosophy (the science of right thought), ethics (the science of correct procedure) and metaphysics (the science of the first reasons for existence and reality). Other studies are epistemology and epistemology, which are the possibilities of understanding the knowledge, in general as well as in particular, of different philosophies.
Introduction: There are problems, which can not be used or not completely with the help of technical knowledge: the question of what is “bad” and “good” is right. ?), What does it mean, does God exist, does God have an immortal soul, or what is the purpose of life?
Similarly, another class of questions could be, for example, natural sciences:
Biology actually examines the world of living things, but it cannot determine the purpose of its existence, whether and when living organisms are allowed to die, or what rights and obligations human life has.
– With physics and numerology, natural laws or ways can be stated or explained or explained, but the question, whether creation is made up of a legal way, cannot be answered by any natural science.
– Jurisprudence examines and verifies that if something happens in harmony with the laws, what can be invested in the laws according to the wishes or desires, it is beyond its restriction or framework.
– The fundamental question of every yogology, not the totality, arises, how can we equip ourselves with this acquired knowledge.
– There are also questions that touch the boundaries of thinking, such as the question of whether this self- or self-perceived reality actually exists in this eye.
In all such situations, the clear model of yogic knowledge fails, i.e. nothing can be said, these are philosophical questions.
The Greek philosopher Platon (428/27 – 348/47 BC) therefore cast doubt on the image (if you will) that man gave of himself and the world.
In his famous or famous book Samcherta or Höhlengleichnis, he returns or destroys the ordinary human’s extraordinary or limited feeling and recognition ability.
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