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Loneliness | Written by: Paulo Coelho
Without loneliness, love will not stay with you for long, because love needs peace to travel in the heavens and manifest itself in other forms. Without solitude, no plant or animal can survive, no soil can remain fertile, no child can learn about life, no artist can innovate, no work can grow or change. Loneliness is not the imperfection of love, but its perfection. Loneliness is not the absence of a friend, but the moment when our soul is alone to talk to us and help us decide what to do with our lives. Therefore, the lucky ones are those who are not afraid of loneliness, are not afraid of themselves, are not always looking for something to do with frustration, something to occupy themselves with or judge them. If you have never been alone, then you cannot know yourself, if you do not know yourself, the fear of being ineffective will accompany you; But there is no such thing as being unaffected, there is a hidden vast world inside our soul waiting to be discovered. That’s it. With all its power, it is so new and powerful that we are afraid to be aware of its existence. By discovering “who we are” we will be forced to accept that we can go beyond what we think. It scares us. Better not to take the risk. We can always say, “I didn’t do what I should have done because they didn’t let me.” This phrase brings a lot of peace and at the same time is very similar to planning your life.
Woe to those who spend their lives saying, “I never got a chance.” With each passing day, they will sink deeper into the well of their own limitations, and there will come a time when they will not be able to rise up and find the shining light that is above them. They like to say, “I’m not brave enough.” They know it’s not anyone else’s fault; Sooner or later he will develop this important ability to face loneliness and its secrets.
Those who are not afraid of loneliness that has revealed all their secrets, everything will look different to them. In solitude, he finds love that he could not find otherwise. In solitude, they will understand and respect the love that they have left. In solitude, he will learn that saying (no) does not always mean not being generous, and likewise; (Yes) Saying does not always mean having piety. Those who are alone right now, it is important for them not to be afraid of Satan’s words: “Time is wasted” or the most poisonous words of the chief Satan: “No one is in this story.”
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