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Hatred and jealousy
You might think that poison is always something you eat or drink, but these are not the only things that can be. Sometimes it can be emotions. Hate and jealousy are examples of such strong human emotions that can poison everything around you. It can be your soul, or relationships. Both are completely different.
While envy is the feeling of missing out on something that is important to you for another, hatred is an intense feeling of dislike, hostility, or anger toward an individual, group, entity, object, behavior, concept, or opinion. .
Do you feel disgusted?
Hate is a very intense emotion. It requires a lot of energy and effort to maintain. How do you move around feeling like you’re weighed down? You may have valid reasons for hating something or someone but what you don’t realize is that the hate is more damaging to you than the person on the receiving end.
Holding on to anger is like throwing a hot coal on someone else with your hand; You are the one who gets burned.
If you’re harboring feelings of hatred for yourself or someone else, it’s time to address that feeling before it becomes something dangerous.
The nature and effects of hatred can be illustrated through the tale of the two wolves, a Native American story, in which a grandfather explains to his young grandson how there are two wolves inside him fighting to survive. . One was a wolf of peace, love and kindness and the other was a wolf of fear, greed and hatred. The grandson then asked his grandfather which wolf would win. The grandfather replied: The one you feed.
This story is very true. The more you feed the hate, the stronger it becomes.
Hate overwhelms you and destroys your peace of mind. You are unable to distinguish right from wrong or the consequences of your actions. It brings temporary insanity and a state where your judgment is impaired. When you are in such a situation, not only will it be difficult for you to trust people, but other people will also distrust you.
Can you control hate?
Yes, you can:
Practice Kindness and Compassion – Remember, hate only grows stronger when you feed it. Hate arises out of dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Being kind can bring a sense of calm and prevent anger from taking over. Take control of how you react to situations. If you don’t like something, evaluate yourself and find out if it is the most appropriate response. Use mindfulness by showing patience and tolerance in the face of negative emotions. Exercise inner discipline by controlling how you react to situations even when people are dumb. You must first learn to forgive yourself and then do the same for whatever hurt you.
Are you jealous?
Jealousy is a feeling that everyone experiences at some point in their life. The story of Cain and Abel is the best and most typical example of how jealousy can make you take extreme and extreme measures.
Jealousy is often about you and not about anyone else. When you experience this, you feel that the person you want only shows you attention and love. It has to do with a sense of ownership and belonging. If you think your partner is paying attention to someone else, you are prone to anger and depression. Jealousy makes you imagine things. It stems from feelings of insecurity, lack of confidence, low self-esteem and fear of being worthless.
Jealousy leads to loss of trust and respect. These two are the pillars of a healthy relationship.
Jealousy is always confusing for love, but it is actually the opposite. Being a jealous person can cause stress and anxiety and make you cruel. This can result in depression and even death.
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